Just a test. 

Photos from the plane :D 

oh hello stranger
Hello stranger, do you like to breathe the air around you in this strange strange world? If so I presume you love to sleep under the stars too, they give me high sensations. If you hate french fries, I hate you.

mammoths are dinosaurs
"The camera," wrote American Author Eudora Welty, is about "wanting to know." Photography is more than just technique. It requires an internal lens. "Insight doesn't happen often on the click of the moment, like a lucky snapshot, but comes in its own time and more slowly and from nowhere but within." There is outer light and there is inner light. A photographer needs both.  This blog serves as a reminder to love this strange world. Every photo I've decided to post means something to me. Some veils stories that you'd never guess. I enjoy reading and traveling to develop my skeptical mind. "You're on earth. There's no cure for that. Where I am, I don't know, I'll never know, in the silence you don't know, you must go on, I can't go on, I'll go on."- Samuel Beckett

A quiet place for a cup of archive